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<aside> <img src="/icons/leaf-monstera_blue.svg" alt="/icons/leaf-monstera_blue.svg" width="40px" /> THE MULCH OUT OF WHICH GW SPROUTED …
GW landed in me as a question: what if a podcast could capture some of the sacredness and depth of being in circle when a small group is utilising enquiry to explore ideas, experiences, challenges, and beliefs?
I loved the idea but I wasn’t sure whether bringing listeners into such tender and intimate spaces would be possible. And, even if it was, I didn’t want to do it alone. I therefore spent the end of 2022 and most of 2023 exploring two co-hosting possibilities. Neither worked out; and in the winter of 2023 I moved forwards on my own. I produced and released GWs first four episodes and shared them for free.
I hold deep appreciation for these first guests as my learning curve as a host and producer of a podcast was immense and brought up huge insecurities! Yet, the episodes weren’t what I had dreamed of. And, hosting and producing GW for free was incredibly draining. So I stopped, and waited for GW to show me next steps.
Then, one day, I was talking to my husband about the depth of insight, attention, wisdom, and care I was experiencing within the **facilitation pods** and he said he wished he could be a fly on the wall.
And so it arrived, what GW was leading towards… a podcast that looks to bring the listener into the room as a small group utilises enquiry to uncover just some of the beliefs, stories, histories, biases, blindspots, ancestral lines, place, and possible futures that are to be discovered in the smallest and largest of our lived experiences, ideas, questions, and challenges, individually and collectively. A process that I am actively developing, that I think of as ecological enquiry.
In the first half of 2023, I asked three friends and collaborators to become guest circle members with me, exploring whether it was possible to bring the quality of attention and reflection within the pods into an episode recording. We met in circle two times and then recorded this episode. Thank you to Joost Schouten, Andrea Langlois, and Katy Kent for being the catalyst for GW’s deepening knowing of itself.
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